Saturday, July 26, 2014

My first Sister/Brother custom canvas!

I was hired to create a special Sister/Brother canvas for someone.  Her daughter is five and her son is two and she gave me this quote to use.  A lot of the little details I added were things that she shared about their likes, nicknames etc.  It was really fun to do something new but the boy hair was definitely challenging for me.  I do this as a hobby and I don't consider myself a professional artist.  I have never taken a class (maybe I should!) but she was beyond thrilled with the final product!!

Self-acceptance frees you from being a beautiful flower stuck amongst the weeds

Wow, this quote is so amazingly powerful and it is one you can really stop and think a lot about. I have so many favorite quotes that it's so tough to decide which ones to use each time I create a new canvas.  I tried a different font, and it's honestly not my favorite for this canvas but I love how the flowers turned out.


I wanted to do something with this cute piece of wood that I have had lying around.  I have been taking all of the pictures of my art with my iphone so the quality isn't that great.  It's so much more vibrant in person and I just LOVE it. I brought it to my office and hung it next to my desk.  It definitley brightens up the space and is a great reminder to have close by.

Summer Swim Team!

My two girls' summer swim team season just wrapped up and I wanted to create a fun canvas for their head swim team coach.  We have a community pool in our neighborhood so the head coach is also a neighbor. She is so amazing and spoken words wouldn't have been able to express my gratitude for all she has done.  I was really excited once I put the finishing touches on this canvas and couldn't wait to give it to her.  Our team name is the "Monarchs" which is why I made sure to include some butterflies.  My girls and I gave it to her after the awards banquet and she seemed to really like it.

Happiness comes from within

I wanted to branch out and create some new flowers and am excited with the way this turned out!